Improve your focus today! For some of us, focusing on a task plagues us every day and with everything we do. For others, focusing may only be a problem at times in our lives when we’re facing challenges – either at work or home.
Most of the experts
agree that there have never been as many distractions in history as there are
today. Technology makes it possible for us to receive volumes of information at
the same time. We could be working on our computers, watching television and
talking on our iPhones at the same time. It’s information overload.
If you’re suffering from a bad habit of being unfocused, all you may need are a few tweaks to your lifestyle. To regain focus, try the following little things that could mean a lot to your focusing ability:
While caffeine may become addictive and you may have to have it to remain alert, a good cardio workout can keep you going and help you focus. Exercise releases endorphins, a natural stimulant that can help to sharpen your focus.
If you’re finding it difficult to think of things you want to address in a meeting or discuss with your family, keep a notepad of written ‘hints’ that you can refer to periodically. It could be as simple as a key word reminder or a complete idea that you’ve thought of.
If you find yourself procrastinating about certain tasks, prioritize them. Schedule a certain amount of time to complete part or all of a task and don’t take a break until you’re finished.
Nothing can zap your focus worse than sitting in the middle of a New York street during rush hour. Drinking too much alcohol or a stressful activity before bed can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep and play havoc with your focus abilities the next day.
Water is cleansing and life-giving. It can also decrease your focus if you become even slightly dehydrated. The brain can detect any change that occurs in your physiological make up and begins to operate at a lower level until you correct the situation.
When you begin to lose focus on a task, it may be time to take a break, stretch, take a walk or do whatever it takes to refresh yourself. You’ll be more attentive when you return to the task and finish it in a much shorter time than if you didn’t take that break.
Both internal noises such as daydreaming or external influences such as noises or interruptions can interrupt your focus and make it a constant challenge to concentrate. You can empower yourself by doing what you must to help yourself focus and complete tasks on time.
Be sure to reward yourself when you accomplish a task that you usually have trouble focusing on. Bringing joy into your life can help relax your mind and make it possible to focus on the next task at hand.