Night eating is something I battle with constantly. I call the period between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. The Witching Hour. I'm usually nice and comfortable in front of the television, and then it happens. My nose begins to twitch and I go into hunter-gatherer mode.
I usually crave something sweet or starchy or both (this is an improvement for me; I once utilized this time to consume an entire fourth meal). I viewed night eating as a form of relaxation and reward. Once again, stress gnashed its teeth and I sank mine into sandwiches and chips!
The first step is realizing that you have this challenge. The next step is to put a game plan into place. For me, the best way to address night eating was to address my day eating. I decided to take control of what I was consuming. I stopped calling my new meal plan a "diet" and viewed it as a lifestyle change. Doing so forced me to think long-term rather than obsess over a target weight on a target date. Besides being mindful of what I ate, I also embraced water as my new BFF in battling night eating. DonĂt drink water only when you are thirsty.
Drink it to keep you feeling full.
So what do I do to treat myself at night? My wife and I like to indulge in two small pieces of good quality dark chocolate, high in cocoa (70% or higher). Take small bites and savor the treat. Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants and has been shown to lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate may be too much of a stimulant for some individuals. If so, try a half cup of fat free Greek yogurt with one tablespoon of honey and a dash of cinnamon or mixed with fresh fruit.
Eating healthy throughout the day reinforced my desire to stay healthy through the night. I didn't want to negate all that I accomplished during the day. My decision to take control of night eating paid big dividends. Not only did I lose weight, I was sleeping better!
I encourage you to join me in defeating this challenge. You are not alone. It's time to take control of the night!
Best Wishes and Good Night!
End the battle between you and food by using self hypnosis for weight loss.
Are you struggling with weight loss? Self hypnosis can provide the extra motivation and determination to keep you moving in the direction of your goals, and help you escape the many food traps that can cause weight gain.
The aim of using hypnosis for weight loss is to re-educate your unconscious mind - the part that creates cravings and impulses - to give you back real choice in what you eat. You know that a real and permanent change in your weight only comes with a change in lifestyle, not through fad diets that you can't possibly keep up over the long term. Our weight control hypnosis downloads can help you make those changes.
Why is hypnotherapy so much more effective than just dieting alone? Because it lifts you out of a double bind, or Catch-22. On the one hand, faddy dieting and unnatural calorie restriction actually causes your body to store fat more effectively, and create cravings for high-calorie, unsatiating foods. In addition, feeling 'deprived' on a daily basis is eventually going to drive you to bingeing and rebellion, no matter how strong your self-control. In short, hunger always wins in the end.
Use hypnosis to break bad eating habits and take control of your hunger and weight
Taking a psychological approach with hypnosis deals with the hidden patterns behind poor eating and over-eating at the same level as they occur - deep in your unconscious mind.