The Symptoms of Stress: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The symptoms of stress say, "Pay attention!"

It's important to listen to our symptoms of stress. We often ignore the warning signs of stress. Stress symptoms are the body's way of telling us, "Hey, there! Something isn't working quite right in your life and you should try to help yourself feel better ASAP!" 

I recommend writing down your particular symptoms of stress. Looking carefully at how stress manifests itself in your body, mind, and life is a great starting point for figuring out your causes of stress. Here are some commonly experienced stress symptoms to get you started. See if you recognize any of these in yourself.

The List Keeps Going...

If you recognize any of these stress symptoms or other physical/emotional changes in yourself, it is important to address them. If your symptoms of stress are chronic, consult with a healthcare professional. Some of the symptoms discussed here can be indicators of serious underlying disease.

Where does all this stress come from?

The causes of stress are numerous and individual. Thank goodness, however, we are all born hard wired to pay attention to certain stimuli in the environment. This increased attention, or stress response, readies us for self-preservation. I was driving along the other day when suddenly a large rock flew up and hit my windshield. It was certainly an attention-getter! I instinctively blinked my eyes and braced the steering wheel. My heart leapt a beat as I gasped. So, when life throws a rock in your direction, you hope for a bit of good stress to wake you up and say, "Hello in there! You'd better pay attention to this!"

On other occasions when survival is not necessarily an issue, however, individual perception plays a major role. Why does public speaking make some people hyperventilate at the thought of it while others shine in the spotlight? Perception really does account for our realities. That's why it's important to have an understanding about what causes stress in your life. There may be an event in your life that’s taken place that needs resolving. Trauma can play a part in how you manage stress, in addition to being the cause. If you’ve needed to work with a sex offense lawyer or dealt with the fallout of a bad relationship, there could be some work to do to help you overcome your issues. It’s not an easy road, but handing the causes of stress can help you manage it better in the future.

I urge you to take control of your stress symptoms. You can start right now. If you're willing to put in the work to help yourself, you can feel better. Please consider subscribing to The Know Stress Press. When you do, you'll gain immediate access to your free stress management workbook as well as an hypnosis session I developed myself to combat stress.